Wednesday 14 May 2014

Creating teams and selecting topics

As we planned for our next session, it was time to distribute work...

Our teacher told us that, taking into account (and taking advantage as well) of the experience of previous iTEC cycles, the best way to take the next step, forming teams and distribute topics, was to do both things in the same session. For that, he previously asked us (as homework) to make a little inquiry and think on what aspects of real life we can establish relationships with geometry. With those ideas, he asked us to relate them with the topics proposed in a previous session, in order to have a first-sight selection of topics to distribute amongst the teams we were to form. With that selection on the SMART Board, we used the voting feature of TeamUp tool to select our top seven topics, which would be distributed amongst the teams formed.
With all this work done, we started to organize our work within our teams: research and inquiry about the topic, images relating the topic with geometry and our interests, use of TeamUp flashes recording feature to give and obtain feedback and assessment, create blogs for following, feedback and assessment,…

To give even more interest and make things even more engaging, our teacher explained us a brief introduction to the use of SMART Amp, that soon will be at our disposal to work collaboratively…
Next sessions seem to be exciting!!

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